Malaysia Madani
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Corporate Communications Unit

Corporate Affairs Section
  • To communicate and disseminate information at ministerial, national and global levels.
  • To plan and implement activities to enhance the corporate image of the Ministry / Agency.
  • To plan, co-ordinate and implement communications / promotion / publicity programmes as well as the achievements of the Ministry / Agency for official events of the Ministry from time to time.
  • To plan and conduct an impact study on the effectiveness of the delivery system of the Ministry / Agency.
  • To plan, manage and publish the Ministry's publications as sources of information such as the Ministry's corporate video, comprehensive handbook/guidebook of the Ministry, the Ministry's directory, annual reports, bulletins and other forms of publications for the purpose of promotion of the Ministry.

Public Relations and Customer Service Section
Public Relations and Media
  • To provide explanations of the policies of the Ministry / Agency.
  • To plan and implement public relations programmes of the Ministry / Agency.
  • To establish and maintain continuous good relations between the Ministry and the mass media and public.
  • To co-ordinate official visits of the Ministry.
  • To prepare and disseminate notes to editor (NE), press statements, press releases and newspaper inserts as well as to provide advisory services to the media in their coverage.
  • To manage and conduct briefings on the functions and roles of the Ministry / Agency.
  • To provide advisory services on public relations and media relations to the minister/deputy minister / secretary-general / deputy secretary-general.
  • To prepare texts of speeches, messages, interview texts, discussion topics, welcoming statements, press statements of the minister / deputy minister/ secretary-general / deputy secretary-general.
  • To co-ordinate and manage press conferences for the minister / deputy minister / secretary-general / deputy secretary-general.
  • To co-ordinate the recording of videos / photographs for official events of the Ministry and to manage the image archive.
  • To monitor and co-ordinate the contents of the official website of the Ministry.

Complaint Management and Customer Service
  • To plan, manage, implement and monitor all customer-related matters.
  • To manage, monitor and co-ordinate all complaints/feedback from customers/the public received via suggestion boxes, letters, telephone calls, e-mail, newspapers, Open Day, iSPAAA System, visits and others.
  • To prepare and co-ordinate responses to complaints as well as to recommend actions to be taken, monitor and supervise the public complaint system.
  • To monitor, analyse and document issues relating to the Ministry / Agency in the mass media (newspaper cuttings).
  • To plan, co-ordinate and implement the customer satisfaction study.
  • To plan, co-ordinate and publish the Ministry / Agency's publications.
  • To manage the customer service officers of the Ministry / Agency.
  • To provide advice to the Ministry / Agency on the services to be provided to customers.
  • To perform the duties of liaison officers of the Public Complaints Bureau, PIKA, PEMUDAH and Warkah untuk PM.
  • To co-ordinate and manage the Ministry's Open Day.

  1. Issue a press conference text / interviews, press releases / press release within two (2) days prior to the event / press conference was held.
  2. Coordinate the text of speeches / remarks the Minister / Secretary-General will be issued within one (1) week and the speech the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister in the last two (2) weeks before the event is held.
  3. Issue a photo shot within one (1) day after an event / activity / media conference was held.
  4. Uploading information activities / programmes to facebook official page Ministry of Tourism and Culture during the activities / programmes are held.
  5. Bulletin publishes MOTAC, Ministry of Tourism and Culture four times a year, on Jan - Mac, April-June and July-September, and October-December.
  6. Editor Note (Note-to Editor) issued to the media within three (3) days before the event.
  7. Create a campaign in the media within four (4) days before the programme was held.
  8. Prepare press-kit(s) within three (3) days before the programme was held.
  9. Responding to Letter to Editor within 24 hours.
  10. Issue a acknowledgment letter complaint within a period of three (3) days the date received.
  11. Issue a follow-up action / investigation / responses a complaint within seven (7) days from the date received.

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